Sunday, September 7, 2014

Book of Ancient Wisdom...

                                                THE BOOK OF ECCLESIASTES                                            
The book of Ecclesiastes is one of 24 books of the "Tanakh" or Hebrew Bile, where its is classified as one of the "Ketuvin" (or writing). This one of the books in the Christian book of the Bible that portrays wisdom and hammers on the vanity of the things of the world. Written by one of the greatest Kings in the history of the Jews, the book encompasses the life of  King Solomon. The Preacher as the writer as he is called in the book (King James Version) made it clear that "VANITY UPON VANITY, ALL IS VANITY"(i.e. every pleasure would one day come to an end irrespective of height, class or race. King Solomon according to the writings of the bible, was and possibly is the richest man ever lived. He was said to have 300 wives and 700 concubines, a  vast wealth and as much Gold as one could ever think of. According to writings, his  great wisdom attracted kings and Queens to his kingdom most notably the Queen of Sheba just to personally witness and confirm the tales of his great wisdom.
          Although King Solomon had everything any man could ever wish for, wrote before his death in the book of Ecclesiastes that he had tasted all of this but the end point was that all of this was vanity and that the whole duty of man was to fear God and keep his commandments(12:13). He also said that he gathered wealth, gold, built mansions, didn't deny his eye whatever it wanted etc.  but when h e looked back at all of this, he called them "vexation of the spirit" according to him there was no profit under the sun. To all Christians and to all men, never struggle or labour for things that would never stand forever but serve your God and be a devout in whatever religion you find yourself in.
.....................Stay tuned for the next episode of "BOOK OF ANCIENT WISDOM"

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